Price Guide

Over the last couple of years, our client base has shifted to more of an independent premium design & customised building service. More often than not, the advertised starting price bears little resemblance to final prices & once again this is because of a shift towards customising, premium products & design throughout, along with govt/council intervention. As this change is client driven, we are responding to this with what we hope is a helpful realistic guide, rather than a low starting point that seems to keep going up.

Whilst clients still often build our standard homes, particularly The Beechwood & Woodcutter’s Elbows, in all cases these designs are heavily modified, upgraded, increased in size etc. For this reason a more generalised pricing guide seems to be appropriate. At any time you can call or email us & ask us to fine tune a budget for you by supplying us relevant information, such as home style, land slope & makeup, location of building etc.


Our homes generally fit into the following categories:
Level 1 3-4 Bedroom single level (eg: Woodcutter's Elbow or Country Cottage)
starting from - $600,000.00+
Level 2 4 Bedroom two storey with cathedral starting from - $700,000.00+
Level 3 4-5 Bedroom two living areas etc starting from - $800,000.00+
Level 4 Estate/Residences/5 Star B & B’s etc starting from - $1,200,000.00+


All prices are to completion & include premium upgrades such as hardwood flooring, timber flyscreens, full insulation, upgraded pc & kitchen items to a standard befitting the quality timberwork throughout. Remember, you can always check with us, because depending on your circumstances, you may get a better level home at a lower level price & vice versa. Semi completion is very popular as well & will save you builder’s margins & improve your customisation as well.

As previously stated, these prices are affected of course by land slope, access, council conditions, location, etc, but the general rule of thumb would be if you have $700,000 plus to spend on a top quality custom home, it is likely that we can help you. If you have more, then we can really dazzle you with size, funky inclusions, premium products, individual items or combinations of.


NOTE:  This is simply a rule of thumb guide to help you to decide if you wish to consider our Company's services to build you a new home. Ultimately, you will be given a preliminary tender on rough concepts followed by a complete tender with proper drawings & elevations.


These price ranges realistically depict the pictures you see in the magazines, so you don't need to spend the next few months with us getting "little shocks" ...